swear jar
for Susie, (1955-2016)
the swear jar, penultimate compromise
for every time you swore- which was a lot.
though it was less a jar for fireflies or strawberry jam
than an empty wine glass, merlot tints spilling
from its stained cusps, the hearth of your holy communion.
you swore with purpose,
a penny’s penance for words outspoken,
you feared silence more than you feared God
so you said, with the radiance of a vermillion sunset
“aren’t we all sinners searching for somewhere to rest?”
what becomes of us in death our bodies
ephemeral compositions of words,
your voice rings still, loose change
sing hymns in my pocket
alex tan is a poet from Hong Kong. His favorite fruits are strawberries and apples. He also enjoys pears, though not as much. The Narcissist by Dean Blunt and Inga Copeland is a great song.
untitled by Ollie Penner